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What Can We Do??

I posted this to Instagram the other day in response to a friend helping her parents pack up a few necessities to leave their home with no idea whether they would get to return to a home. California has been hit HARD by the wildfires this summer, especially because of the dry drought we have going on. MANY people have lost their homes to the Valley and Butte fires. My friend sent me a text message last night saying they were able to return back to their home, and are going back to school next week (her parents are both teachers). The part that particularly bothered me was that her parents' colleagues were going home to NOTHING. And there have been firefighters on duty for days. I contacted my fellow Sunshine Committee members at school, and we decided we would at least have students make something for the firefighters to be delivered tonight. I scoured pinterest, and instantly decided on a card MUCH like this one....

The inside of the cards

Highlighter, for students who are still learning to form letters. 

My friend, Brianne, also created this infographic, for those of you looking to donate:

Hope you're all having a great week!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. :) Thank you for including my graphic!! I love that we are both people that feel that doing things for others in important. :) Love ya girl!

