To start the new year, I am linking up with some of my girls from the Primary Punchbowl, Diana and Jayme.
Let's get started.....
Personal: It is HARD to not get caught up in the Instagram, Periscope, Blab, TPT, Facebook Groups, etc. They are all GREAT tools, in their own way. My main resolution, though, is to only use them intentionally, and to not get caught up in "needing" to do these things. Just a little bit of honesty here. Also, I think it is SO important to be present and intentional with people, especially during face-to-face time. I am resolving to really enjoy and spend intentional time with others.
School: My students are rock stars. I mean it. I had some VERY early readers. I want to take this and make them into rock star writers. We can do it! I am excited to see where they go in their writing journeys.
Blog: HI, my name is Erin, and I got caught up from November-December and didn't blog. Sorry. I really want to STICK to blogging at least once a week. To think that I only started blogging in January 2015 is crazy, but I feel like I've learned a lot, and should be putting that out as well....
Thanks for joining me for my blog post! I can't wait to see what your resolutions are! If you'd like the template, click below. PLEASE be sure to linkup with us on the linky as well!!
Happy New Year!! Cheers to 2016!!