Hi, there! I am linking up again with Farley for Currently!
Listening: Anyone else like obscure shows? "The Wind at my Back" is a Canadian series from the mid-90's. This Spring Break, my mom brought her Season 1 DVDs in the motorhome to watch, and we were hooked!
Loving: I have been listening to books on Audible on my drive to and from work, and LOVE this! I like light books (memoirs), and have been powering through some good ones!
Thinking: I can hardly believe it: 7.5 weeks left in school! There is so much to do! I have plans to finish the year strong with my amazing class!
Wanting: I have all these ideas bouncing around in my head, but hardly any time these days! This seems to be the issue every month for me. ;)
Needing: nothing makes one notice their need for a pedicure than a day in flip flops! I need a pedicure BADLY, and already have my color picked out!
Whatever: I think this is self-explanatory! I don't know how I am going to make it 3.5 more months! EEK!