I'm excited to be back in the game with one of my favorite linky parties! Let's jump in, shall we?
With the new year, and the thought of being Maid of Honor in my sister's wedding in June, I was ready to shed some of the stress weight I put on this school year. One of the best things I did so far was join Round One of the TPT Weight Loss Challenge. This week began Round Two, and though I haven't lost weight this week, the amount of exercise I've done has made me proud. I am honored to be a part of such an amazing group of motivating educators looking toward a healthy future.
Not just this week, but recently, we have found Cosmic Kids Yoga and really gotten into our P.E. groove. My VERY active kiddos are enjoying the ways they can channel their energy into positivity. And I love how much my students enjoy it.
Obviously, you've all heard of Lula Roe by now. I have to say that when we have such finicky weather, it has been a lifesaver to wear soft leggings and tunics and still look cute! The added bonus is possibly getting to match your favorite travel mug. ;)
Ever since I attended Get Your Teach On in Nashville last month, my students have been OB-SESSED with Margie Palatini books. (Thanks, Deanna Jump!) I happened to find this one in my library, and ordered Broom Mates from Amazon. Needless to say, my students were happy campers this week.
Can we just say "T.G.I.F.!!!!" together? Sometimes, the shorter weeks seem longer than the regular ones! :) Here is a picture from today's College Appreciation Day (I borrowed the sweatshirt from a friend at work).
I also had to stop yesterday and appreciate the weather. We prayed for rain, and we sure got it. One of my favorite things about this type of weather is the opportunity for rainbows and puffy "Toy Story Clouds!" I just love this kind of weather as a reminder that we often get what we ask for and then some!
Well, there it is, friends!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and week, and I will catch up with you again soon!