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Classroom readiness and home updating

Hi, friends!
Can you feel it? The summer is winding down, and school is ::this close::!  Just a reality check, I have 17, count 'em, 17, days until my new students arrive! The excitement is palpable!! I am most excited, because I am planning a room update, a behavior plan improvement, and so much more!! I am one of those teachers who thinks about her classroom all year long. Including summer. I am sure you all are too. One of the ways I am updating the classroom is by creating, creating, creating! While I LOVE using The Mouse in my room, I didn't want to go with cookie cutter design. I am including new elements of design, using skills I learned from the TPT conference. Don't get me wrong, I used The Mouse in many ways last year: Mickey bulletin board, Mickey ears on my clock, Red and white polka dotted borders, My "P" that a wonderful friend made for me, Disney Word Wall, and more... BUT! as I was looking for ways to update, I was realizing, I CAN DO THIS!
I whipped these two signs up using a few skills I learned from the Super Powers of PowerPoint session I attended, led by Rachelle Smith, Michelle Oakes, and Hope King! Fabulous team, fabulous session!

I am working on ONE more of these to go in the frame I already had a quote in last year! These will be placed on the bookshelves in my classroom library to inspire students as they get cozy with a book. If you would like these, I will make them free on TPT in a few days!

Just thought I would show you my newly cleaned scissors... These were run through a cycle in the dishwasher, and are sanitized for the school year. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

Did I tell  you yet that there are a few changes going on at home? My landlord/roommate is going to be moving for a few months to get her Master's, and I will be adjusting here with some of the decor. Now, I have been eyeing the Raskog cart at Ikea for over 6 months for the sole purpose of creating a coffee cart! The lighting is terrible, but it turned out EXACTLY the way I'd hoped it would!!

One more thing.... Vista Print is having a BIG SALE! I had offered my Facebook followers an exclusive: I'd design a classroom Welcome sign personally FOR YOU for $1 until Sunday. Yep. You can then order it from Vista Print (or print at your favorite supply store). I have a referral link here, which you can use to help me help you. :) One BIG thing about Vista Print: they're having a HUGE sale on their website until Tuesday, using the promo SAVEBIG. You should definitely take advantage! If you'd like a sign, please like my Facebook page for details! It has been fun to create them!


  1. Hi! I found your blog through the little fish blog linky and I LOVED this post! Just like you, I had been eyeing that IKEA cart for a while and I just bought it for all my baking supplies. It is SO cute! Yours looks great too!

    The Sweet Tea Teacher

    1. I love that idea!! I have to reign myself in at Ikea! Isn't it hard?!
