Tonight, I am teaming up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday!
I couldn't help pulling out the tree over Thanksgiving break and decorating as much as possible while I had the time and energy, I LOVE this season, and I love to decorate... Here is a glimpse into what I've accomplished so far...
TRUE STORY... Parent Project creations are underway....
Our elf, Mickey, got into a little bit of trouble with our school elf, Cali, this week! It is safe to say that the holidays are in full effect at school, too!!
Some of my favorite holiday activities.... One is a shared writing of our Songfest lyrics... Students get to write the sight words, and we read for fluency. The other is an elf project that I LOVE to do. I am thinking this elf is going to have to be my next make & take blab project!
Today, I came home to my Secret Santa box from I Teach For a Living (Lorraine). I loved everything about my package!!
Happy weekend friends! Hang in there, only 2 more weeks to go!! :)
My house is decorated, and my students also made an elf project to go along with some writing we did in math. We might as well celebrate! If I join them in the holiday fun, everyone will be happy right?
Laughter and Consistency
Agreed! I LOVE to make this time special for all of us! They feed off of our excitement!! :)