Tomorrow is the first day back with my students of 2015! I am sad to be waking up on a schedule, but SO excited to see the 26 kiddos I call my students! After I met up with my friend, Sarah, from Tales of Teaching with Tech on Friday, [who happens to be one of my great friends] I was encouraged to start creating for TPT [My store is here]. My first few products were not as fancy as my last few, but I think we all learn as we go, and I believe a good teacher is one who can modify as she/he checks for understanding and/or learns new approaches. I am still learning, but it has been a blast so far, and I am looking forward to creating more, as well as seeing how my students like all the jazzed-up assignments I have been making. :) Speaking of creating, if you know of any good blog designers who aren't booked through May, please let me know! I am not loving the basic blog, and want to make my blog appeal more exciting!

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